Leah and Eric’s Bespoke Forest Wedding at the Krippendorf Lodge at the Cincinnati Nature Center | Cincinnati Wedding Photographer

I’ve got one for the books today, folks.  Leah and Eric’s wedding has ALL of the things that make me a happy photographer: a beautiful setting, incredible soft portrait light, and a head-over-heels lachrymose couple!!  Look closely at the photo of Leah by the lake–there’s even a brilliant scarlet cardinal in flight!  Who could ask for […]

Sarah and Kevin’s Fun-Filled Wedding at Top of the Market | Dayton Wedding Photographer

You’d be hard pressed to find a wedding party more fun than Sarah and Kevin’s… Fireball shots in the morning, chasing down a Red Bull van, a spirited [read: borderline violent] flip cup competition after the ceremony, and a group of groomsmen that literally cannot keep their pants on.  Yep, folks–this wedding was DEFINITELY one […]